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Amy is a 21 year old club kid. Shes a smart and sexy girl who's all about dancing and drugs. Recently she developed the ability to "trip" to other dimensions, which she believes is the result of a drug she took called pedestal. Other than that she knows little of her newly aquired power.
Chad DaRos
Chad is Amy's oldest friend, they've known each other since pre-school. He's a laid back stoner who's famous for spouting out idiotic comments that quickly become catch phrases amoungst the group.
Cori Kinsman
Cori is Amy's best friend and roomate. Shes a gothic party girl who's done it all.
Jamie "FLAMEO" Winters
Flame-o, at 24, is a little older than the rest of the gang. He introduced the others to clubbing a few years ago and is the self proclaimed "queen of the scene".
This mysterious figure knows something of Amy's "trips", but is he a friend or foe?
Stephen of Lancaster
Stephen is Amy's love interest that she met on her first "trip" to medieval times. She believes him to be dead, but he's determined to find her.
Gwen Penny
Chads annoying girlfriend.